From The Desk of Dr. Brown...
Dear Donna,
Hello February!
The month we think of hearts, right?
Not this office! Well…. this does relate to heart function, however!
We’re focused on POSTURE!
Look around you! Just start noticing peoples’ postures. What are you seeing? All ages. We have
become the slump community and it’s getting worse in all age groups.
A few facts here:
1. "As the twig is bent, so grows the tree."
2. Plasticity is real! If you put a muscle in a repetitive position, it will literally change its length and tone to match that position….even when the position is unhealthy.
When I was a young chiropractor and looked like I was 12, my mentor recommended I dress business-like. I wore suits….and high heels. Yep…for many years. The result was shortened hamstrings. After having kids, changing my work schedule ,and “relaxed” my dress code, I developed plantar fasciitis! (We’ll talk about that later). It took a year to get those calves stretched out to normal length.
As your body is repetitively bent forward, with the current culture of technology, the muscles in the front of your body will shorten down!!! This is detrimental for organs located in the front of your body that require room to function. Your heart! Your lungs! Your stomach! Now you have gastric reflux and want to save yourself with a pill while your posture degenerates. I could write pages on the physiology that goes awry due to poor posture. Neck pain, headaches, numbness in the upper extremities, lower back pain, indigestion, lower energy because you can’t breathe. Getting the picture?
YIKES!!!!! And this is an inexpensive fix.
This will have to be Part 1 of an ongoing series about posture. I haven’t even touched on the abnormal pressure it puts on your spine and discs.
This office is putting together a plan of action to help you with your posture. Stay tuned!
Til next month,
Dr. Brown
Did you know pregnant mamas and little ones should get adjusted too?
Chiropractic is fit for everyone with a nervous system!
It has been reported that approximately 50% of all pregnant women experience back pain during their pregnancy and 50 to 75 percent of women experience back pain during labor.1 Spinal dysfunction related to changing body shape and weight as baby develops, not to mention all the hormonal changes, means mamas need extra support. Research has shown that first time mothers who receive chiropractic care throughout their pregnancy have 25% shorter labor times, and subsequent pregnancies have 31% shorter labor times.2 Who doesn’t want a shorter labor?!
Once baby is born, they are growing and developing by the second. Their nervous systems are working on overdrive to process everything around them from regulating their body temperature to recognizing moms voice, to controlling their fingers and toes. We want their nervous system communication to be strong so they can learn and function at their full potential. Often times a fussy baby means something is aggravating them. Chiropractic can specifically address and correct these areas of discomfort, getting you and your baby some much needed sleep.
I am looking forward to continuing to care for our Excel Family community until this little one joins us at the end of August. Don’t worry I’ll be back after some rest and family time!
We love seeing all ages at Excel Family! Remember to make chiropractic care a family affair.
Dr. Emma
1. Borggren, Cara L. "Pregnancy and chiropractic: a narrative review of the literature." Journal of Chiropractic Medicine 6.2 (2007): 70-74.
2. Fallon, Joan M. "Chiropractic and pregnancy: a partnership for the future." ICA Int Rev Chiropr 46.6 (1990): 39-42.
Yes, this means inflammation in the bottom of the foot. It could be anywhere from the back of the heel, along the sides, or bottom of your heel, along the arch, to the metatarsal heads of your toes. I was looking online for articles about the cause.
Every article I found pointed to the tissues only at the bottom of the foot. While this is true, they are leaving out the rest of the story, ie, the big muscle in the calf whose job it is to make your ankle joint move while you are walking! They are the real culprit. The intrinsics in the bottom of the foot are secondary. Their job is to hold the arch. If all you do is work on the small intrinsics in the bottom of the foot, the care will be unsuccessful.
A good PT or massage therapist knows this! The real job is to re-lengthen the calf muscles. The PT or massage therapist “strips out” the tight muscle bundles and knots which by the time the fasciitis pain starts, have developed in the deeper muscle layers in your calf. Stretching it yourself at home, many times is not enough and can make the problem worse.
Fighting with foot pain? See me!
Call today to schedule your appointment! 262-248-6700
Step 1: Heat 2.5 cups almond milk (or milk of your choice) on the stove over medium heat until hot but not boiling, about 5 minutes.
Step 2: Add 2.5 Tablespoons cocoa powder, 1 Tablespoon honey or maple syrup, and ¼ tsp vanilla extract. Whisk to combine (1-2 minutes).
Step 3: Heat another 1-2 minutes and serve immediately. Optional: add a small dash of cinnamon and/or coconut whipped cream on top, then enjoy!
Taken From Modern Healthy Living, Elizabeth Rider,