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January 2025 - Salutogenesis -What Does It Mean-1

From The Desk of Dr. Brown....

Dear Donna,

Salutogenesis……. A new term I’ve seen a few times lately so had to look it up.

According to Wikipedia, salutogenesis is the study of the origins (genesis) of health (salus) and focuses on factors that support human health and well-being, rather than on factors that cause disease (pathogenesis).

Hmmmm, sound familiar? Sounded like Chiropractic lifestyle to me so I did more digging.

The term was coined by Aaron Antonovsky (1923–1994), a professor of medical sociology, in his 1979 book, Health, Stress and Coping. The salutogenic question posed by Aaron Antonovsky is, "What makes people healthy?"

The World Health Organization defines Salutogenesis as follows: "Salutogenesis describes how social and individual resources help people to manage stress and to thrive. Salutogenesis focuses attention on the study of the origins of health and of positive health outcomes—moving towards the positive end of an ease/dis-ease continuum—in contrast to the more usual study of the origins of disease and risk factors (pathogenesis).

The bottom line is… are you moving towards health (salutogenic) or dis-ease (pathogenic)

You get to choose.

What will you eat and drink today?

What will you do or not do today?

What time will you go to bed?

What will you watch and listen to?

Whatever you choose, the choice will either be salutogenic OR pathogenic, ie) towards ease (health)….or towards dis-ease (disease).

Getting adjusted? Is always salutogenic! Yep, love what I do.

Til next month,
Dr. Brown


Getting Back to Good Health by Dr. Emma

Happy New Year!

I hope you all enjoyed your holidays. Now that the hustle and bustle is calming down it’s time to get back to some things we,
myself included, might have let slip. Adding a few to many cookies to the diet, forgetting my exercises, maybe even forgetting to make time for my adjustment and massage. Life happens so don’t beat yourself up, but join me in getting your health back on tract.
Drink plenty of water

  • Eat your fruits and veggies- cut back on the sugar

  • Get active; short walks as weather allows and the exercises myself or Dr Brown as given you

  • Schedule your adjustment and massage!

  • Watch your posture

Good posture is extremely important but often over looked. Loss of the curve in the neck, cervical hypolordosis, is associated with decreased blood flow to the brain, decreased awareness of our bodies in space, decreased stability, increased dizziness or loss of balance, and loss of motor function. Mobility and upright posture have also been associated with aspects of cognition1. In a time where mental decline as we age is on the rise improved posture might be part of the solution. Patients with chronic low back pain even demonstrated 10-20 times more loss of gray matter in the brain on MRI2. Loss of height as small as .5 cm has been associated with increased mortality. Chronic pain and poor posture are causing physical changes in our brain structure and even increased mortality.

Ladies, sorry fellas, please join us on February 7th at The Bottle Shop for a Galentines/Ladies night out. Featuring Excel to get you standing tall, Coquette for bra fittings (huge in supporting good posture), Goldie Links for some bling and many more! Please call Bottle Shop to register. Only $10!

Dr Emma

1. Cohen, Rajal G., et al. "Mobility and upright posture are associated with different aspects of cognition in older adults." Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 8 (2016): 257.

2. Apkarian, A. Vania, et al. "Chronic back pain is associated with decreased prefrontal and thalamic gray matter density." Journal of neuroscience 24.46 (2004): 10410-10415.

3. Iwasaki, Tsuyoshi, et al. "Association between height loss and mortality in the general population." Scientific Reports 13.1 (2023): 3593.

Office News


Just a reminder..... Effective February 1, 2025

Excel Family Chiropractic will no longer provide in-network services or process insurance claims for services to United Healthcare.

This includes ALL policies offered by this company, including Medicare replacement plans.

If you have a policy with United Healthcare, you are still able to submit your charges!

Just ask Steph at the front desk for a receipt of payment and all you need to do is send it to United Healthcare for direct processing.

Please call or email Laura with any questions or concerns. And again, best wishes to you and your family from all of us here at Excel

New Product - X39 Patch


A NEW product at Excel! The X39 Patch

Why are we making these available to our patients?

1. Because despite ongoing chiropractic care, some of us have ongoing areas of pain and conditions that chiropractic care
cannot address.

2. As our population ages, we want to remain vital and active.

3. Dr. Brown’s 1st experiment/experience: post-hip replacement pain for 3 years, gone in only 2 weeks of wearing patch!

Second experience: Long term tennis elbow pain, gone in 1 month of wearing the patch! (took a few tries of finding the right place to wear the patch to get the effect but got it to work)

Third experience: a trigger finger progressively becoming debilitating over past 9 months, so far 90% better after 1 month of wearing the patch, again, after finding the best place to wear it. What can the X39 patch help? Decrease/eliminate pain, improve energy and sleep, improve hair and skin, anti-aging. The list goes on. There are testimonies on file these patches have also helped more extreme conditions like Parkinson’s.

How does it work?

The patch contains nano size crystals that reflect your body’s infrared light and energy back into your body. This light energy stimulates new stem cell production, anti-oxidants and decreases inflammation. The more days you were the patch, the more stem cells you produce!!

How do you use it?
Place one patch over an acupuncture point, over a specific area of pain or over high a “nerve bundle” area such as the base of neck or below navel. Wear the patch 12 hours on, then 12 hours off. (Do not overuse. The effects will diminish)

What do they cost?

1- 30 day pack $150 each

2 -30 day packs $140 each

3- 30 day packs $130 each

Please, watch the attached video link below for more information. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpNpCfhCidY

admin none 9:00am - 5:30pm 9:00am - 5:30pm 9:00am - 5:30pm 9:00am - 5:30pm Closed 9:00am - 11:00am Closed Chiropractic # # #